Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Catching Up

Oh, my! The last post here was way back in March. So much has happened... where to begin.

Firstly, let me till you "the rest of the story" about the Lazy Daze in Tennessee. That darn rig caused me more fussing than any broken romance. I checked that ad - at least weekly, (oh OK OK almost daily), - until it disappeared. Poof! Much regret and second-guessing followed. I should have bought it and stored it 'til July. I watched the ads like a hawk for other '92s for sale; not even one. Then, in July when I hadn't found another unit and the original one would have been importable I found "my" LD in someone's blog. I was searching the 'net for Lazy Dazes for sale, and came across the blog of the scoundrel who had purchased "my" LD.

Well, let me tell you, did he ever buy himself a world of hurt. If he paid the price the owner had was asking me, he got fleeced good and proper. The blog didn't say whether he knew about the rig's problems before he bought it or whether he knew but didn't understand the cost to repair the damage or what, but the rig had been leaking around the fridge vent for some time and the wall and floor was rotted. The rot was so bad that when he filled the fresh water tank you could see the side panel open up as a result of the floor sagging under the weight of the full tank.

This is a very bad situation. In an RV, water is not on your side. Sometimes, my friends, things happen for a reason. If this guy is handy and he was savvy about the water damage and negotiated hard for a much reduced price then he may come out of this with a rig suited to his needs. I do not need a project. I am not handy. Don't want to learn how to be handy. I want a rig where everything works and I will pay people to keep them working.

Here's a link to the poor soul's blog. I have forgiven him for snatching "my" Lazy Daze.

And here's a link to the water damage page.

It took until August to find the right rig for me. It wasn't exactly what I was looking for but it was perfect for me. I will post the saga of my journey acquiring it and getting it home.

Catch you later,

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