Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Toggle Technique 1

My first effort at beading was a bracelet with a "toggle" clasp. In case you aren't familiar with toggle clasps, I will describe them for you. (I still love them, mostly for bracelets.) A toggle clasp comprises a bar and an "O". The bar is attached to the bracelet (or whatever) at the middle.

To operate the toggle you fold the bar so that it is more or less parallel to the bracelet, poke it all the way through the "O" then straighten it so that the bar is perpendicular to the bracelet. The bars in a toggle set is usually a bit longer than the inside dimension of the "O". This prevents it from pulling out and opening the bracelet.
However, there is a crucial bit of information that isn't immediately obvious with mere observation. (A good life lesson there somewhere.) If the beads are close in diameter to the inside diameter of the toggle's "O" then the bar won't fold down enough for it to pass through the "O". In these cases you must attach the Bar to the bracelet with a short, maybe 3 links, piece of chain (or 3 small jump/split rings chained together) . This way the bar will fold down nice and flat and slide right through the "O".
I didn't allow for this. The bracelet is very pretty, (barring its other manufacturing 'amateurities' but totally unwearable. Sort of like some people, nice to look at but you just can't live with 'em.

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